Learner Perspectives on Online Education

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Friday, February 17, 2023
By Ariel Molinaro, Victoria Perez
Illustration by freepik/storyset
Recent trends and data from a variety of outlets shed light on some of the characteristics and motivations of online learners.
  • According to new research, learners of all types are increasingly interested in flexibility and quality digital experiences. Working professionals who are looking to advance their careers and expand industry knowledge are particularly in favor of online learning.
  • Although a significant proportion of AACSB schools offer online, hybrid, and multimodal formats across their degree and non-degree programs, face-to-face learning remains the predominant delivery method.
  • Across all learner types, program cost, field of study, and flexibility are critical considerations for selecting educational programs.

Learner Perspectives on Online Education Infographic

This infographic incorporates insights from various thought leaders to create an engaging visual representation of learner views on online learning:

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Ariel Molinaro
Communications Specialist, AACSB International
Victoria Perez
Research and Thought Leadership Manager, AACSB International
The views expressed by contributors to AACSB Insights do not represent an official position of AACSB, unless clearly stated.
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