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39 Results
39 Results
Closing the Skills Gap With Dynamic Partnerships
A new study between Deloitte and Quinnipiac School of Business examines possible solutions to closing the skills gap in a rapidly evolving workforce.
GenAI Adoption in Business Schools: Deans and Faculty Respond
AACSB's survey of deans and faculty shows overall support for GenAI in education, with priorities in policy guidance, training, and ethical implementations.
BSQ Finances Module
Discover business school data on financial operations and governance models of the business unit.
APQ Accounting Programs Questionnaire
The APQ Accounting Programs Questionnaire is the source for data on accounting school’s operations, including student enrollments, degrees conferred, programs, and more.
BSQ Employment Module
Discover data on business school alumni employment rates and starting compensation.
BSQ Programs Module
The BSQ Programs Module is the source for data on business school’s operations, including student enrollments, degrees conferred, programs, and more.
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