AACSB Insights Submissions

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Editorial Calendar

Monthly Editorial Themes

AACSB Insights publishes articles on topics affecting business schools, higher education, and businesses globally. The following editorial themes guide our content production for each month.

The deadline to submit an article for each month is the beginning of the prior month. For example, a contributor interested in submitting an article for July publication would need to submit a draft for consideration by June 1.

June 2024
Career Pathways: Avoiding AI Anxiety
The perception of an artificial intelligence takeover in the workforce has caused anxiety in many people—including students considering their future careers. How can business schools reframe AI as an enabler to be embraced rather than a threat to be feared?
July 2024
Societal Impact: Research That Matters
The imperative to create societal impact is heralded throughout higher education and business; it is also embedded in AACSB's accreditation standards. How are business schools supporting faculty efforts to produce research that solves not only business problems but societal challenges, as well?
August 2024
Future of Work: Optimistic Outlooks
Perspectives on tomorrow's world of work can be bleak, from AI takeovers to generational divides to global disunity. What are some ways business schools and businesses are working to ensure a more positive, optimistic workplace for the future?
September 2024
Accreditation: Faculty Training and Development
Business schools today are expected to prepare tomorrow’s leaders with new and ever-changing skills and competencies, such as AI literacy and application. How are schools helping faculty stay on top of the latest workplace developments to best meet stakeholder needs?
October 2024
Business Education: Innovative Uses of GenAI
GenAI is here to stay, and business schools are finding new and inventive ways to incorporate it into curricula, research, and administration. How is your school embracing this versatile technology?
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