Sustaining Business Member
- Textbooks
- Learning Resources
- Journals
- Simulations
Business & Management Textbooks
Our student-centered textbook program offers resources across a wide variety of subjects, equipping students at all levels to navigate and shape the future of business.Sage Vantage
An intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability.Sage Business
A comprehensive suite of global resources to equip today's business students, from cases to skills developmentHubro Simulations
Award-winning simulations allow students to apply real-world business skills in a risk-free environment, whether individually or in teams, in the classroom or online.Sage Journals
Discover world-class Business & Management researchSage Policy Profiles
A free tool for individual researchers and academics to track, visualize and share your policy impact