Rising quality of Indian business education is boosting local applications but international exchange opportunities remain popular (Part 2)

Media Coverage
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
The evolution of the National Education Policy (NEP) has placed greater emphasis on multi-disciplinary training and learning. For many universities, this has resulted in enhancing opportunities for students to gain holistic skills – teaming qualification with practical experience. For India’s business schools this means partnering up, providing students with ready access to the world, enriching their studies by gaining international experience.

Representing over 1,000 accredited schools, including 23 in India, AACSB has embedded a Collaborative Provisions Framework in its 2020 Accreditation Standards. The framework provides specific guidance for how schools should demonstrate the effectiveness of partnerships to ensure they align with AACSB’s criteria for impactful, relevant business education.

Full Story by Kerry Ruffle