2023-24 Deans Survey Overview Report

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View trends and profiles of business school deans’ offices based on survey input from more than 450 business school deans and interim deans globally.


AACSB’s triennial Deans Survey covers a variety topics related to the role of the business schools dean, including demographics, length of deanship, and other insight into the various activities that deans engage in.

The survey, which was launched on October 4, 2023, and closed on November 8, 2023, offers a comprehensive view of the influential figures heading business schools globally. This year, 434 deans and 36 interim deans from 64 countries and territories participated in the survey.  

For an in-depth exploration of these findings, be sure to peruse the web report Leading Today's Business Schools: Insights From Deans. This report provides a more detailed analysis of the survey results, offering insights into the goals, challenges, and ambitions of current business school leaders. 

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