Embracing the Digital Shift: Perspectives on Digital Transformation in Business Schools

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Friday, June 30, 2023
AACSB shares the insights of business school deans, faculty, and IT leaders regarding the priorities around digital transformation in business education.

Business school leaders recognize technology’s vital role in preparing students for a digital world, the expectations of faculty, and strategic institutional priorities. To understand digital transformation’s impact, AACSB surveyed deans, faculty, and IT leaders and gathered their perceptions on the challenge and opportunities of integrating digital technology in business education.

This report serves as a valuable resource for educational leaders navigating the rapidly evolving field of digital transformation in business schools. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Business school leaders anticipate a growing strategic focus on digital transformation, including in the areas of faculty recruitment and program offerings.
  • Effective learner preparation and an engaging educational experience are at the heart of digital transformation opportunities.
  • The top challenges business schools anticipate in light of digital transformation include increased costs, new competition, and imbalanced resources and expertise.
  • Faculty seek support in the form of professional development, time, and expanded resources as they navigate their new expectations in a digital environment.
  • Tools informed by data analytics and artificial intelligence can help business schools advance learner outcomes.
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