Company-Sponsored Graduate Business Degrees: What, Why, and How? [Infographic]

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Wednesday, September 25, 2019
By Hannah DeBevoise
Image by AACSB
What is a company-sponsored degree, why are they important to organizations, and how can you your employer if they'll pay for your education?

Earning a graduate business degree, whether it’s an MBA or a specialized master’s, can give you the skills you need to move your career forward, but many workers may find that they aren’t financially in a place to return to school. The good news is that organizations are increasingly realizing the importance of their employees’ need to upskill. Fifty-six percent of employers offer tuition assistance for employees pursuing degrees, according to the Society for Human Resource Management’s Employee Benefits Executive Summary.

If you’re interested in obtaining a graduate business degree, and are curious about whether your company will reimburse or sponsor your tuition, check out this infographic to learn what a company-sponsored degree is, why organizations find them important, and how to ask whether your employer is willing to pay for your education.

infographic about companies sponsoring mba degrees
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Hannah DeBevoise
Social Media Manager, AACSB International
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