In the Face of Nationalism, Business Schools Remain Strong in Global Mission

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Tuesday, August 22, 2017
By Hannah DeBevoise
Illustration via iStock
Three video interviews explore the recent rise of nationalist ideologies and business education's role in maintaining a global, collaborative community.

Globally, there has been a noticeable increase in political movements and ideologies around nationalism. Nationalist-inspired actions seen worldwide—like Brexit, recent global leadership elections, and travel bans—fundamentally conflict with the root of traditional higher education. Educational institutions have, at the core, aimed to nurture students into becoming involved, constructive, and informed members of society, not only at the local level but globally, as well. With the rise of nationalist ideals, the practice of universities and colleges creating global citizens is challenged.

Institutions have already seen their students and stakeholders respond to these trends, more closely scrutinizing school’s’ methodologies positions on diversity and inclusion and contemplating the future of the reception of international students on campus.

Business, as an industry, is inescapably global. Thanks to technology and the ease of cross-continental transportation, the globalization of business has escalated not only in strength but in necessity. So, with business currently functioning at an international scale and with business schools being the apex of cultivating future leaders who are global, collaborative citizens, how do current nationalist movements effect business education today?

We address this question with segments from our video interview series, AACSB Explores. First, Jerker Moodysson, dean of Jönköping International Business School, explores the effect of nationalism on his university in Sweden, and on business education as a whole.

Next, Dean Manuel Acevedo-Jaramillo of EAFIT Business School in Columbia, shares insights on what business education must do to continue to thrive in a global market, even in the midst of uncertain unpredictable global relationships.

Last, Rich Lyons of the Haas School of Business at the University of California Berkeley acknowledges the shift currently seen in society and addresses what must be done for business schools to remain chief advocates for globalization.

There are many challenges ahead of business schools as the world continues to transform. As an educational community connected to the international needs of business, business education must continue to lead and to create leaders who champion the benefit of a global society.

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Hannah DeBevoise
Social Media Manager, AACSB International
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