
New AoL Stewards Seminar (Tampa)

This seminar will take place in Tampa, Florida.
June 5, 2024
Tampa, Florida, USA
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Bundle with Other Events
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This seminar will take place in Suite 100 at AACSB International in Tampa, Florida. More information and agenda coming soon! 

If you’re new to the role of assessment steward or are responsible for assurance of learning (AoL) and want to improve your effectiveness, this is the seminar for you! Learn how to plot your path forward including developing your job description, assembling your team of AoL leadership team, and determining what resources are needed and how to acquire them. 

You’ll leave this seminar with concrete action plans for how to move forward in your assessment role and how to advance the AoL process at your school.

Learning Objectives

  • Define your role as a leader/steward of AoL
  • Assemble your AoL team and develop the division of labor to support your AOL process and engage faculty groups to get the work done efficiently
  • Take inventory of your current AoL process and strategy to identify gaps and make improvements
  • Understand what the role of technology and policy is for new stewards


Karen_TarnoffKaren Tarnoff, College of Business and Technology, East Tennessee State University

Karen serves the College of Business and Technology at East Tennessee State University as the Associate Dean for Assessment and International Programs coordinating the assessment process across departments including Accountancy; Management, Marketing, and Supply Chain; Economics and Finance; Computing; Engineering, Engineering Technology, Interior Architecture, and Surveying; and Digital Media for multiple accrediting bodies (i.e., AACSB, ABET, NASAD, CIDA and SACS). Karen is an AACSB Global Lead Facilitator for its Assurance of Learning Seminars authoring seminar materials and creating content for other offerings. She has given numerous assessment presentations and has helped many schools develop, implement, and refine their systems.

Who Should Attend

Faculty, department chairs, deans, AOL stewards and those working on defining their role as an AOL leader while developing and implementing their assessment process. Individuals who are new to their AOL leadership role, who have recently joined an AoL committee, or who are newly responsible for implementing an AoL plan.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact [email protected].

AoL Seminars Bundle (Tampa)
$2,980 USD/attendee
Save $300 USD
AoL1 and NAS Bundle (Tampa)
June 5, 2024
New AoL Stewards Seminar (Tampa)
$1,490 USD/attendee
Save $200 USD
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