
Asia Pacific Accreditation Conference-Sold Out

This conference will take place at the University of Technology Sydney.
June 5​ – 7​, 2023
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Bundle with Other Events
Agenda Timezone:
AUS Eastern Standard Time
June 4
"Appreciating Indigenous Wisdom in Business and Management Education" The panel will reflect on appreciating Indigenous wisdom in curriculum, building cultural competence, and empowering Indigenous business leaders.
Anna Young-Ferris
Senior Lecturer
The University of Sydney
Gareth Simpson
Executive Officer
Queensland University of Technology
Michaela Rankin
Deputy Dean, International and Accreditation
Monash Business School, Monash University
June 5
Join us for a welcome message from the Carl Rhodes, Conference Chair and Dean of University of Technology Sydney Business School, Geoff Perry, AACSB International’s Executive Vice President and Chief Officer, Asia Pacific , and Stephanie Bryant, Executive VP and Global Chief Accreditation Officer at AACSB International.
Allan Murray
Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council
Carl Rhodes
Dean, Professor of Organization Studies, UTS Business School
University of Technology Sydney
Geoff Perry
EVP, Global Chief Membership Officer and Managing Director Asia Pacific
AACSB International
Stephanie Bryant
Executive Vice President and Global Chief Accreditation Officer
AACSB International
This interactive session will share anonymized feedback from recent Peer Review Team evaluations, including trends and missed opportunities. We will discuss different aspects of the process that could be elevated as you prepare for an initial visit or upcoming review. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Amy Memon
Regional Head, South Asia
AACSB International
Stephanie Bryant
Executive Vice President and Global Chief Accreditation Officer
AACSB International
Reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and network with the exhibitors. Relax and enjoy the company of your colleagues before the conference gets underway.
A central role of any business school is to educate students in the functional skills required to do business. Learning about accounting, finance, marketing and management are all essential components of a business education. But is this enough? As businesses increasingly focus on their broader social and stakeholder responsibilities, business schools are compelled to rethink both our purpose and curriculum. This calls for a new business education that includes higher-level social justice, active citizenship, and civic leadership competencies. This panel will critically discuss the challenges and opportunities of living up to the new demands for business education to be good for society and not just good for business.
Carl Rhodes
Dean, Professor of Organization Studies, UTS Business School
University of Technology Sydney
Deanne Stewart
Aware Super
Renae Dahbache
Student, Business School
University of Technology Sydney
Robynne Quiggin
Board Chair, Aboriginal Housing Office and Chair, Westpac Reconciliation Action Plan Committee, Professor
University of Technology Sydney
This session will explore how schools are addressing indirect measures of assurance of learning within the standards.
Sara Denize
Associate Dean, Education, UTS Business School
University of Technology Sydney
Stephen Murdoch
Visiting Professor and Accreditation Manager
College of Business, Rikkyo University
This informal Q&A session is an opportunity to bring questions related to your institution’s initial accreditation visit. Presenters will discuss expectations for an initial visit, including psychology, management of logistics, and what to do when the unexpected happens.
Amy Memon
Regional Head, South Asia
AACSB International
Barry Burgan
Associate Dean - Development
Bond University
This informal Q&A session is for those approaching or undergoing a CIR visit. Bring your questions and hear AACSB leadership discuss the psychology of a visit, including management of logistics, expectations, and what to do when the unexpected happens.
Geoff Perry
EVP, Global Chief Membership Officer and Managing Director Asia Pacific
AACSB International
Stephanie Bryant
Executive Vice President and Global Chief Accreditation Officer
AACSB International
June 6
What is required to develop an initial self-evaluation report (iSER) and undergo an initial accreditation visit? This session will share practical experience to ensure a smooth and well-executed visit, as well as ideas to better work with your mentor.
Arief Wibisono Lubis
Vice Dean of Academic, Research, and Student Affairs at the Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Indonesia
Davendranath Jha
Professor of Data Science and Technology; Chairperson of AACSB Accreditation
K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Somaiya Vidyavihar University
Join us for an insightful presentation sharing experiences from continuous review visits. We will discuss practical advice as it relates to preparing for the peer review team (PRT) visit as well as lessons learned from schools who had a recent visit.
Qian Shi
Senior Deputy Dean of the School of Economics and Management
Tongji University
She-I Chang
Dean, College of Management
National Chung Cheng University
This session will share best practices for communicating impact and strategies for reporting out scholarly efforts that extend beyond academic environments.
Jun Qi
Assistant Dean and Director of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Office
School of Management, Jinan University
Terence Fan
Academic Director, Accreditation & Assistant Professor, Strategic Management, Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Singapore Management University
This session will discuss how to mature one’s assurance of learning (AoL) system, including best practices for embedding AoL "business as usual" and leveraging it for curriculum management and innovation.
David Walker
Director of Learning and Teaching, Senior Lecturer
La Trobe University
Diane Hsieh
Director of Accreditations, School of Management
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
This session will discuss if and how accreditation and rankings bring value to an organization.
Geoff Perry
EVP, Global Chief Membership Officer and Managing Director Asia Pacific
AACSB International
Jeroen Prinsen
Regional Director, Asia Pacific
QS Quacquarelli Symonds
Jeroen Prinsen
Regional Director, Asia Pacific
QS Quacquarelli Symonds
Maryam Omari
Executive Dean and Professor
Edith Cowan University
This event is exclusively for deans and heads of business schools. Catch up with old friends and make new connections while discussing what’s on the mind of today’s business school leaders.
All mentors and interested volunteers are invited to join this session to hear reflections from experienced volunteers and mentors. We will discuss the value obtained from their experiences, learnings that surfaced in the field, and the process to get involved.
Kim Watty
Emeritus Professor, Executive Advisor – Education, CPA Australia and former Deputy Dean
Deakin University
Liyan Chen
Senior Manager, Accreditation and Member Services
AACSB International
Upon conclusion of Keynote II, a photographer will take a conference participant group photo from the stage.
This session would look at how faculty move within the faculty qualifications framework throughout their career, and how schools of varied missions and faculty compositions help additional-classified faculty successfully transition to qualified faculty categories. Presenters will share institutional best practices for faculty development and management and explore some of the challenges, myths and misconceptions that schools face when trying to implement the faculty sufficiency and qualification criteria at their school.
Abhishek Bhati
Campus Dean and Head of Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement
James Cook University, Singapore
Barry Burgan
Associate Dean - Development
Bond University
Keryn Chalmers
Honorary Professor
Swinburne University of Technology
Weng Marc Lim
Sunway University
Through the lens of AACSB’s 2020 business accreditation standards requirements, this session will help participants identify focus area/s for their school societal impact and generate ideas for measuring it given one’s local context. Presenters will share best practices for how business schools can contribute to create social value and impact the behavior and business decisions of alumni and industry partners.
Anupama Gupta
Head- Accreditation & Ranking
S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research
GJ van der Zanden
Visiting Professor, Senior Advisor on Sustainability & Transformational Leadership for Societal Impact
Sasin School of Management, Chulalongkorn University
This session will offer clarity on the relationship of generative AI and academic integrity. We will discuss ChatGPT, including how schools are using it, teaching with or without it, and ensuring integrity along the way.
Ann Rogerson
Associate Dean, Faculty of Business and Law and Chair of UOW Academic Integrity Advisory Group, Faculty of Business and Law
University of Wollongong