Business Membership Levels
Sustaining Membership
Sustaining business membership not only offers the greatest access to our global network of business education leaders, but also includes premium visibility through exclusive advertising and thought leadership opportunities.
Join Today!
AACSB Exchange
Collaborate with over 40,000 AACSB members in the world’s largest online forum dedicated to business education.
Featuring a robust membership directory, peer-generated content, and networking tools, you can connect with experts and leaders worldwide on the AACSB Exchange.
AACSB Analytics Hub
Search, filter, and visualize business school data for decision-making in a few clicks.
Dive in to the world's most extensive business school database in an interactive tool for decision-making. Conduct analysis and find new strategic opportunities related to programs, enrollment trends, salary insights, and business school finances. The AACSB Analytics Hub is exclusively for AACSB Sustaining Business members.
Deans Conference
Join an exclusive group of over 500 business school deans and heads of business units at this annual, highly sought-after event.
Two registrants from your organization will experience this unique networking event open only to business school deans.
Discounted Benefits
More than 4,000 USD in annual discounts
Business members receive discounts on event registrations, advertising, sponsorship, and exhibit opportunities.
Priority Exhibit Placement
Placement in exhibitor showcases at AACSB conferences
Sustaining business members receive first priority for exhibit placement at AACSB conferences.
Generate custom reports, benchmark data, and discover new insights in DataDirect, the largest and most comprehensive business school database in the world.
Access all available overview reports, benchmarking tools, and industry data to gain the latest insights into business schools worldwide.
Subscription to AACSB's e-newsletter, LINK
This weekly newsletter delivers insights and trending news in business education.
Articles cover business school leadership, societal impact, diversity and inclusion, and accreditation topics.
AACSB Member Directory
Dedicated profile page in AACSB's Member Directory accessed by thousands of AACSB’s global members
This directory offers targeted exposure to education leaders and includes your company’s logo, description, website links, and more.
Complimentary Sponsored Content Article
Contribute one complimentary article per year on the AACSB Insights platform (5,000 USD value).
Showcase your organization's thought leadership and expertise in one complimentary article per year on the AACSB Insights platform. Contact [email protected] for availability.
Complimentary Digital Advertising Campaign
Receive a six-week digital advertising campaign in LINK, AACSB's weekly newsletter (1,750 USD vaue).
Reach nearly 40,000 global readers of AACSB's weekly newsletter, LINK, with six (6) complementary ad placements throughout the year. Contact [email protected] for availability.
Consultative Support
Receive complimentary consultative support from AACSB's membership team.
Support may include annual visits to AACSB offices to meet with leadership, general event information in compliance with GDPR, coaching for conference proposals, and eligibility to be nominated for service on AACSB's Business Member Advisory Group which meets with AACSB leadership twice a year
Membership Dues
Dues are for an annual membership.
Sustaining Membership Dues
10,000 USD