Accreditation Mentors

AACSB accreditation mentors assist schools that are pursuing accreditation by serving as a key resource in advising the school on the self-assessment process. Mentors provide clarification of the philosophy and intent of the standards and their interpretations, to guide schools in the development of the initial self-evaluation report (iSER).

A mentor will typically assist a school for two years with the development of the iSER. Once the iSER is accepted by the Initial Accreditation Committee (IAC) or Accounting Accreditation Committee (AAC), the mentor continues working with the school for up to three years to assist the school with the implementation of the actions needed to align with the standards.

Deans and associate deans (or academics with a terminal degree) or equivalent positions from AACSB accredited schools are eligible to be mentors. If a school is seeking AACSB accounting accreditation, an accounting chair/head from an AACSB accounting-accredited school may serve as a mentor. First-time mentors must complete training prior to their first assignment. Associate deans must also submit a letter of endorsement from their dean to qualify.

AACSB volunteer eligibility is limited to individuals from schools that currently hold AACSB accreditation. Volunteers are asked to let their AACSB accreditation manager know as soon as possible should they accept an appointment at a non-AACSB accredited school so that an alternate for their role(s) may be found in a timely manner.

To learn more about becoming a volunteer, contact us at [email protected].

Documents should be completed, saved and submitted via myAccreditation by the predetermined due dates. If you have any questions, contact your AACSB accreditation manager.


Accreditation documents used by schools and volunteers are in myAccreditation under the Resources tab, next to the Help tab.

Visit the volunteer portal to begin your journey as an AACSB volunteer.
Volunteer With Us!