The History of the MBA: An Infographic

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017
By Hannah DeBevoise
Since its inception, the MBA has continually grown and advanced to fit the needs of the changing business world it was intended to serve.

The Master's of Business Administration, widely known and referred to simply as the MBA, is a graduate degree that has grown and advanced since its inception to fit the needs of the changing business world it was intended to serve.

From the time the MBA made its collegiate debut to today, the degree has offered students the opportunity to cultivate critical leadership and management skills, among others. Throughout the decades, many MBA graduates have gone on to establish or run some of the most successful businesses across the globe. The below infographic shows the evolution of the popular graduate business degree.


MBA Infographic 


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Hannah DeBevoise
Social Media Manager, AACSB International
The views expressed by contributors to AACSB Insights do not represent an official position of AACSB, unless clearly stated.
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