AoL Culture Change and Faculty Engagement Seminar (London)

This seminar will take place at King’s College London, King’s Business School. The seminar will begin at 09:00 and end at 17:30.
Faculty engagement is critical to the effective operation of a meaningful assurance of learning (AOL) process. However, engaging faculty and building a constructive and positive AOL culture is a common challenge faced by schools.
This seminar will help you develop action plans to engage faculty and create a constructive, meaningful, and sustainable culture of assessment focused on improving students and curricula rather than merely collecting data and drafting reports. Join us to begin developing an action plan to engage your faculty in AOL and build a robust assessment culture.
Learning Objectives
- Identify strengths and weaknesses in your current AoL system and process
- Understand the causes of faculty resistance to assessment and create action plans to address them
- Develop skills to become more efficient in AoL
- Recognize ways to utilize effective messaging to your faculty
Karen Tarnoff, College of Business and Technology, East Tennessee State University
Karen serves the College of Business and Technology at East Tennessee State University as the Associate Dean for Assessment and International Programs coordinating the assessment process across departments including Accountancy; Management, Marketing, and Supply Chain; Economics and Finance; Computing; Engineering, Engineering Technology, Interior Architecture, and Surveying; and Digital Media for multiple accrediting bodies (i.e., AACSB, ABET, NASAD, CIDA and SACS). Karen is an AACSB Global Lead Facilitator for its Assurance of Learning Seminars authoring seminar materials and creating content for other offerings. She has given numerous assessment presentations and has helped many schools develop, implement, and refine their systems.
Who Should Attend
Faculty, department chairs, deans, AOL stewards and those working to build a robust, systematic, and sustainable assessment process that engages faculty as process owners and focuses on a developing a culture of assessment and continuous improvement.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact [email protected].
Event Bundles
Packages of this event and others are available for a discounted price per attendee.