New Deans Seminar (Atlanta) SOLD OUT
Register now for this "must-attend" event that provides insightful advice on how to handle the first few years in your new role.
April 13 – 14, 2024
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Agenda Timezone:
Agenda Timezone:
Eastern Time
April 13
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM ET
Session 2 – Your Role as the Dean: Focus on the University, the Business School, and You
Participants will learn:
- expected and intended role of the dean as a function of the institution and environment.
- specific ways to articulate an effective agenda that engages the most important stakeholders early, navigate the (sometimes)-competing agendas, and remain focused on the most critical tasks.
- how to balance the demands of a deanship with one’s personal life and priorities.
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET
Session 3 - Thinking Strategically (and actually making it work)
This session will start by dispelling some commonly held myths about strategy and strategic planning. It will challenge participants to think about these two elements in a way that creates excitement around the school’s strategic intent by all stakeholders.
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM ET
Session 4 - Managing External Relationships: Developing Industry Relationships
Explore the strategic and tactical aspects of managing external relationships with various stakeholders. Topics for discussion include identifying stakeholders and their interests and developing synergistic and sustainable alliances within industry and academia.
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET
Session 5 – Managing External Relations: The Art and Science of Development
Learn how to establish successful donor relations, fund- and friend-raising approaches, effectively cultivating and managing an advisory council and board development with meaningful engagement with its members.
April 14
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM ET
Session 6 - Managing Internal and Cross-Campus Issues
Deans spend a considerable amount of time leading faculty and staff and managing areas involving personnel, budget, accreditation, etc. The focus of this session is to understand how to develop thoughtful, comprehensive, and strategic approaches to responding to various issues within their school/college and across campus.
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM ET
Session 7 – Preparing Learners for the future of work, thinking differently about your programs
Customized degree programs and delivery systems are the norm for students, faculty, and administrators today. Are your current and potential customized programs the right fit for your business school? Are they optimizing resources for sustainability while meeting student demand? We will discuss ways to answer these questions as well as potential new revenue streams based on your mission, strategic priorities, unique qualities and/or local needs, and resource(s)
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM ET
Session 8 – Developing Your Mission, Vision, Priorities, and Strategic Charter
This session will use the information discussed in the seminar to develop a preliminary roadmap for your role as Dean and create a comprehensive “takeaway” that participants can refer to as a decision framework. The session will also include time for any remaining issues the participants would like to discuss.
1:15 PM - 3:00 PM ET
Session 9 – Small Group Session - How “Deaning” Has Changed and How to Lead in the Complex World of Higher Ed.
This will be a small group session where participants will first discuss questions most pertinent to their context, and the facilitators will answer questions
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM ET
Session 10: Guest Panel
A panel of experienced deans will share the insights and best practices they learned during their deanship.