
Associate Deans Conference

An event designed for decision-makers in business school operations and management.
October 17​ – 18​, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Bundle with Other Events
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Eastern Time
October 16
Check-in early for the conference. Conference programming will begin Tuesday, October 17.
October 17
Learn more about Data Direct and talk to our experts to see what resources are available to you.
Interact with our exhibitors to learn more about products and services that can help your organization.
Join this member-driven session that will cover a wide range of topics relevant to Associate Deans, as suggested by their peers.
Erik Devos
Associate Dean, Faculty Development
The University of Texas at El Paso
Join us for a welcome message from the Conference Chair Susan Fournier, Dean at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business.
Susan Fournier
Member of AACSB Board of Directors, Allen Questrom Professor and Dean
Boston University
Administrators who report to the dean wear many hats— leader, follower, mediator, strategist, counselor—just to name a few. Pressures and expectations have risen, and so has burnout. This session will share insights for building personal resilience and managing others more effectively.
Connie Hadley
Lecturer, Management & Organizations, Questrom School of Business
Boston University
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At least 92% of nearly 500 top executives and hiring managers agree that the most important skills for college graduates to possess are teamwork skills, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning (AAC&U 2021 Employer Report). We'll make the case for how critical thinking and teamwork skills can be nurtured in large enrollment first-year courses.
Torsor Kotee
Join us for this interactive session where we explore various aspects of leadership, going beyond the ordinary and promoting growth in both horizontal and vertical directions. By incorporating the concepts of belonging, resilience, and grit, we will develop a clear vision of what effective leadership means to you. Together, we will explore strategies and tools that have proven effective for individuals and organizations by reflecting on personal experiences, values, and guiding principles.
Phildra Swagger
Executive Coach, Creative Strategist and CEO
Combined Expertise Inc.
Sarah Vaughan
Senior Advisor Quality Enhancement and Accreditations
ICN Business School
Learn more about Data Direct and talk to our experts to see what resources are available to you.
Interact with our exhibitors to learn more about products and services that can help your organization.
This is your time to catch up on email, take a meeting, or simply step outside to enjoy nearby Boston!
We are in a new era of enlightenment—amplifying human intelligence. ChatGPT reached 100 million users within 2 months, positioning for a profound impact on how students learn, faculty work, and programs are delivered and evaluated, and affecting all business disciplines and delivery modalities. This session will explore opportunities and challenges along with future directions for business education, considering the context of the progress and adoption of generative AI tools.
Amit Deokar
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, Manning School of Business
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Haya Ajjan
Associate Dean, Love School of Business
Elon University
Natasha Veltri
Associate Dean, Sykes College of Business
The University of Tampa
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Sacred Heart University Logo
AACSB will demo a new way of accessing data. We will show all modules of the Analytics Hub, including Program Search, Enrollment Trends, Salary Search and Financial Benchmarking. The Analytics Hub will provide a user-friendly interface and easy access to key business education trends and analytics for decision making and competitive analysis. Come learn and give us feedback so we can add features and enhancements to meet your data needs.
Colin Nelson
Senior Manager, Data Analysis
AACSB International
How can senior administrators foster belonging on campus? In this session, we will discuss cultivating culture to create a classroom and campus culture of mutual respect. You will leave this session with a road map to start this important work or progress your existing initiatives.
Bryan Thomas
Assistant Dean, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Sloan School of Management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mary Coombs
Assistant Dean, School of Business
St. Bonaventure University
This session will discuss how schools are working to balance internationalization effects on their organization. We will discuss carbon literacy training, guarding against greenwashing and ongoing expectations of student and staff global mobility.
Christiane Molina
Professor of the Strategy and Leadership Department, Tecnológico de Monterrey
EGADE Business School
Rachel Welton
Principal Lecturer - Assistant Head of Undergraduate Programmes, Nottingham Business School
Nottingham Trent University
This will be a facilitated networking session. Attendees will be led through an exercise, allowing them to learn from one another in how to approach, manage, and solve issues with and among faculty and staff members.
Brooke Emery
Associate Dean, McAfee School of Business
Union University
Emily Lean
Associate Dean
Austin Peay State University
Reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and network with the exhibitors. Relax and enjoy the company of your colleagues. Sponsored by Questrom School of Business, Boston University
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October 18
Join this member-driven session to discuss, "Improving Quality in Online Learning" This session will include small group discussions centered around improving quality in online learning. The facilitators will provide the structure for the session and act as consultants as required. Come prepared to ask questions, share ideas, learn from other schools, and build network connections with others. This is your community, come help us build it!
Anna Ni
Associate Dean
California State University, San Bernardino
Tawnya Means
Assistant Dean, Educational Innovation, Chief Learning Officer, Gies Online Organization, Gies College of Business
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bring your coffee and breakfast and join this member-driven community for a WAME Networking Session! This informal network session is organized by WAME to help you meet other colleagues and build valuable connections to advance your careers.
Grace Guo
Associate Dean
Sacred Heart University
Isabelle Fagnot
Associate Dean Quality & Accreditation
KEDGE Business School
Suchismita Mishra
Associate Dean
Florida International University
Learn more about Data Direct and talk to our experts to see what resources are available to you.
Interact with our exhibitors to learn more about products and services that can help your organization.
To lead with passion and confidence, one has to exercise power. Though widely referenced, “power” is often poorly understood—the ability to convene people around a common vision is a critical challenge for executives across sectors and industries. In this impactful peer-based session, we will discuss how leaders can cultivate a mediation mindset and become architects of spaces for innovative thinking. This interactive session aims to elevate participants’ approach to leadership by sharpening their ability to diagnose and use interpersonal and structural power resources.
Eugene B. Kogan
Visiting Faculty, University of Salzburg Business School, and Co-Instructor, Division of Continuing Education
Harvard University
Eugene B. Kogan
Visiting Faculty, University of Salzburg Business School, and Co-Instructor, Division of Continuing Education
Harvard University
What comes after Associate Deanship? This panel session will explore different experiences and discuss what job design can look like for those who report to the dean or head of the business school. Panelists will share what it took for them to find balance between administration and teaching and research commitments, all while looking ahead to ‘what’s next’.
Brian Gillespie
Associate Dean, Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship
Montana State University
Frederic Brunel
Dean, College of Business
The University of Michigan-Dearborn
Hanna-Leena Pesonen
Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, University of Jyväskylä
Tamim Elbasha
Associate Dean - Learning & Quality Development
Audencia E.E.S.C.
This session will explore how faculty and advisors can help first-generation students choose the right business school majors for better retention. Students want to know where they fit in, unfamiliar with differences between finance, accounting and other business fields. We will discuss key elements that will help you navigate these early conversations
Juliet Jones-Vlasceanu
President & CEO
Career Key
This facilitated networking session will explore how business schools can better assess teaching, including how we can be more supportive in making these assessments developmental instead of evaluative. The aim is to explore innovative and practical approaches to making faculty assessment more robust, reliable, and developmental. Additionally, we will explore the relationship between student academic integrity (e.g. ChatGPT usage) and assessment of teaching. In this session you will be invited to share your experiences around these important challenges facing business schools.
Catherine Liston-Heyes
Associate Dean Faculty and Resources
University of Sussex
Keith Schofield
Deputy Dean: International
Aston University
Learn more about Data Direct and talk to our experts to see what resources are available to you.
Interact with our exhibitors to learn more about products and services that can help your organization.
This session will discuss various approaches for managing Assurance of Learning (AoL) processes, especially as the senior administrator responsible for reporting to the dean or head of the bschool.
Chad Simon
Professor and Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Utah State University
Isabelle Fagnot
Associate Dean Quality & Accreditation
KEDGE Business School
Much (well-deserved) attention has been focused on how educators and institutions can help alleviate the student mental health crisis. But how are faculty doing? This session will explore findings from recent studies of faculty mental health. Join us as we discuss what institutions can and should be doing to support their faculty, and how Associate Deans can lead or contribute to that endeavor.
Lucy Swedberg
Executive Editor
Harvard Business Publishing
Sarah Lipson
Associate Professor, Health Law, Policy, and Management, School of Public Health
Boston University
This panel session will share case studies demonstrating alumni participation and leadership in impactful programs as a result of specific interventions and strategy. Join us for creative and inspirational ideas to improve alumni engagement and response.
Alexys Febonio
Wealth Planner
Ballentin Partners, LLC
Luciana Echazu
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics
University of New Hampshire
Scott Migliori
Todd Boucher
Founder, CEO
Leading Edge Design Group
How do we balance big picture and operational details while leading creatively, innovatively, and with unwavering commitment to ensuring our students, faculty and staff success? This session will discuss what we should (and shouldn’t!) be doing as senior administrators.
Beth Bristol
Associate Dean of Graduate Administration
Babson College
Beth Bristol
Associate Dean of Graduate Administration
Babson College
Sue Oldham
Associate Dean, Owen Graduate School of Management
Vanderbilt University