
Associate Deans Conference

An event designed for decision-makers in business school operations and management.
October 17​ – 18​, 2023
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Bundle with Other Events
Save $150 USD

In partnership with: 


Your role as the associate, assistant, or vice dean at your business school carries vital responsibilities in the overall operations of your institution. With significant shifts in workforce talent and societal demands, it is pivotal that we share key insights that help you balance resources, fulfill a wide array of responsibilities, and maximize your institutional goals.

Join more than 225 decision-makers in business education who are leading their institutions toward driving a positive impact in their communities and share successful metrics for staying ahead of industry demands. Learn to better lead from who you are, balancing big picture strategic organizational goals with countless operational details. Join us as we work together to explore tools for success in:

  • Strategic decision-making and scenario planning
  • Cultivating healthy culture, including positive faculty/staff dynamics
  • Taking the next step for sustainability
  • Managing assurance of learning processes
  • Planning for and designing your career
"The networking opportunities were invaluable. I made contacts with other associate deans that I know will be invaluable allies and assets to me in the future."
—Amy McMillan Associate Dean, Research and Faculty Development, East Carolina University

Who Should Attend?

Associate, Assistant, Vice, and Deputy Deans, Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellors, Deputy and Policy Directors, Chairs/Chairpersons, Academic Heads, as well as program managers and leaders who manage faculty and operations at business schools. 

Connect With Us

Use #AACSB to share your conference-related feedback, thoughts, and photos. For more information, please contact [email protected]

Special Pricing Offers

Register now and save 150 USD for the Seminar for New Associate Deans (October 19-20) and the Associate Deans Conference taking place in Boston, Massachusetts. The cost of the bundle is 1,640 USD. No transfers or substitutions allowed.

ADC & SNAD Bundle (Boston)
October 17 - 18, 2023
Associate Deans Conference
$1,640 USD/attendee
Save $150 USD
Pricing (USD)
Member Pricing
By September 17
On or after September 18
Non-Member Pricing
By September 17
On or after September 18