
Asia Pacific Accreditation Conference-Sold Out

This conference will take place at the University of Technology Sydney.
June 5​ – 7​, 2023
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Bundle with Other Events

Keynote Speakers

Keynote I: Have Business Schools Failed Society


Carl_RhodesCarl Rhodes, University of Technology Sydney

Carl Rhodes is Dean and Professor of Organization Studies at the University of Technology Sydney Business School in AUstralia. Carl writes about the ethical and democratic dimensions of business and work. This work endeavours to question and reformulate the role of business in society so prosperity can be shared by all. Carl’s most recent books are Woke Capitalism: How Corporate Morality is Sabotaging Democracy (Bristol University Press, 2022), Organizing Corporeal Ethics (Routledge, 2022, with Alison Pullen) and Disturbing Business Ethics (Routledge, 2020).


Deanne_StewartDeanne Stewart, Aware Super

Deanne has led the integration of Aware Super’s financial planning business Aware Financial Services Australia Limited; the successful merger with Victorian-based super fund VicSuper, and the launch of the Fund’s new brand, Aware Super. An experienced financial services industry leader, Deanne is passionate in her belief that a strong culture and clearly defined purpose drives business success. Before joining Aware Super, Deanne was Chief Executive Officer of MetLife Australia. Before this she held senior roles within BT Financial Group including as General Manager for Superannuation, Marketing and Direct Channels. Deanne has more than 25 years’ leadership experience in financial services in superannuation, wealth and insurance sectors in Australia and internationally. This includes time as Managing Director with Merrill Lynch Investment management in New York, and as an Engagement Manager with McKinsey and Company in London.


Renae Dahbache, University of Technology Sydney

Renae Dahbache is a second-year business student pursuing a Bachelor of Business degree with a focus on Management and Business Law at the University of Technology, Sydney. Renae's passion for learning and personal growth led her to take on various roles within the university community. She currently serves as an External Relations Associate for the UTS Case Team society and is an active member of the UTS Business School Student Advisory Board, aiming to enrich her university and professional experiences.

Robynne_QuigginRobynne Quiggin, University of Technology Sydney

Professor Robynne Quiggin is a member of the Wiradjuri nation of central western New South Wales. She has lived and worked in Sydney, practicing as a solicitor and consultant for 15 years with a focus on legal, compliance and policy areas of relevance to Indigenous Australians including human rights, financial inclusion, financial services, consumer issues, governance, the arts and heritage. Prior to her appointment at UTS, Robynne was Deputy Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission. She has a long standing commitment to a rights based framework as a mechanism for individuals and communities to pursue their social, economic, cultural, linguistic and artistic priorities. She has participated in a number of international human rights and biodiversity forums and published on the role of rights in relation to the economic, cultural, artistic and scientific work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

Keynote II: Faculty Composition and Development Strategies


Barry Burgan, Bond University

Barry Burgan is Associate Dean Development and previously Deputy Dean at Bond University - roles he has held for the last 10 years. He also is program manager for an MBA delivered to professionals in partnership with a Japanese University. Prior to this he was for some 10 years Dean of the Business School at the University of Adelaide. He teaches and researches in the area of financial economics, with a specialisation in infrastructure valuation. He is Vice Chair of the Initial Accreditation Committee of AACSB and a member of the Business Policy Committee, and has been active in volunteer activities for over 15 years.


Abhishek_BhatiAbhishek Bhati, James Cook University, Singapore

As Campus Dean JCU Singapore, Abhishek contributes to JCU’s Tropical Asian initiatives. His efforts guide the learning, student experience and teaching and academic governance of programs offered in JCU Singapore. Abhishek Bhati’s research investigates resilience planning in tourism, sustainable development of cities and scholarship of learning and teaching. In particular, he is interested in technology and the role it has as a catalyst for tourism industry changes; “Smart City” as a mechanism for future sustainable development; and the need for tourism to deliver United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Recent projects he has conducted have studied tourist vandalism and effectiveness of stakeholder responses to tourism developments.  Prof Bhati’s other projects include incorporating ‘work integrated learning’ (WIL) based learning strategies in tertiary education.

Keryn Chalmers, Swinburne University of Technology

Keryn Chalmers is Dean, Swinburne Business School in the School of Business, Law and Entrepreneurship at Swinburne University of Technology. Keryn is active in several academic and professional organizations. Her education, research and professional interests are related to accounting. Keryn is currently the President of the Australian Business Deans Council. Former roles that she has occupied include President of the International Association of Accounting Education and Research, member of the International Panel for Accountancy Education (and its predecessor the International Accounting Education Standards Board), and Australian President of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ).

Weng-Lim Marc 2Weng Marc Lim, Sunway University

Professor Lim Weng Marc, PhD, is the Dean of Sunway Business School. He also serves as the Editor in Chief of Activities, Adaptation and Aging (Routledge), Global Business and Organizational Excellence (Wiley), and International Journal of Quality and Innovation (Inderscience), as well as an Associate Editor of Journal of Business Research (Elsevier) and Journal of Strategic Marketing (Routledge).

Professor Lim is an award-winning multipotentialite who is ranked in the Top 2% of Scientists in the World based on the Science-wide Author Database developed by Elsevier BV and Stanford University in 2020 and 2021. He is also the Record Holder for “Youngest Professor” in the Malaysia Book of Records (MBR) since 2020, and an Honoree of the 2019 Ten Outstanding Young Malaysians by Junior Chamber International (JCI).