
Middle East and North Africa Conference

This conference will take place at ESCA Ecole de Management in Casablanca, Morocco.
March 2​ – 3​, 2023
Casablanca, Morocco
Bundle with Other Events

Location, Hotel, and Travel Information

Plan Ahead

  • Get vaccinated: If you are making plans to attend this event, we strongly encourage you to get your vaccine as soon as it is available to you. We recommend that you are fully vaccinated (14 days after your vaccine shot) prior to traveling to the event.
  • Know your local travel protocols: If you are attending this event, please make sure you fully understand your local government travel restrictions and return protocols.

Event Location


ESCA Ecole de Management

67-3 Avenue de l’aéropostale
Casablanca Finance City (CFC)
20250 Casablanca - Maroc

Esca Visitors Guide

Hotel Recommendations 

Kenzi Tower Hotel, Twin Center
Boulevard Zerktouni
20100 Casablanca
T: +212 (0)522 97 80 00

  • Deluxe single room: 1400 Mad
  • Deluxe double room: 1550 Mad par nuit
  • Tax per person and per night: 49.50 Mad

Cut off date : 31 January 2023

Contact : Sabrine Naime : Senior Sales Manager, Kenzi Tower Hotel, [email protected]

ONOMO Casablanca City Center

  • Single room: 920 Mad
  • Double room: 1020 Mad
  • Tax per person and per night: 19.80 Mad

Contact: Afafe BENKADDOUR, E-Commerce & Reservation Manager, [email protected]

Barceló Hotel Anfa Casablanca

  • Single Room: 1450 Mad
  • Double Room: 1650 Mad
  • Tax : 39.60 Mad per night/ per person

Contact: Aziza Fadal- Senior Sales Manager, [email protected]

AACSB's Health and Safety Commitment and Guidelines

AACSB’s top priority is the health and safety of our event attendees and staff. We are working with our partners and vendors to develop protocols that will continue to evolve to reflect the current state of the pandemic response and ensure the safety for everyone in attendance. We will continue to monitor and follow mandates required by federal, state, and local jurisdictions, as well as the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and World Health Organization.

Plan Ahead

  • Get vaccinated: We strongly encourage you to get your vaccine as soon as it is available to you. We recommend that you are fully vaccinated (14 days after your vaccine shot) prior to traveling to the event. 
  • Know your local travel protocols: Please make sure you fully understand your local government travel restrictions and return protocols

Onsite Safety Protocols

  • Masks are optional: While masks are now optional, we will still have some disposable masks for any attendees who may wish to wear one.
  • Hand sanitizing stations provided: We recommend that attendees utilize hand sanitizing as often as possible throughout the event. We also encourage you to wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Enhanced cleaning and sanitization: Meeting rooms will be thoroughly cleaned between each session according to the hotel's comprehensive cleanliness standards.

Visa Invitation Letters

AACSB International’s policy requires attendees be registered and paid in full to receive a visa invitation letter. If you have an invitation letter request, please email [email protected]. Please allow up to 2–3 business days for a response.