
Innovative Curriculum Conference

Register today for this virtual conference to gain ideas to innovate undergraduate and graduate business school curricula.
March 20​ – 22​, 2023
Make it a Bundle
Innovative Curriculum Conference
Workshop: Driving Curriculum Innovation
Workshop: Driving Curriculum Innovation
  • Career Key
    Career Key prepares learners to thrive in accelerating change. AACSB-accredited institutions trust Career Key’s professional development activities and assessments to teach lifelong career competencies, identify at-risk learners needing support, and make learner- faculty engagement meaningful. Founded by a counselor educator, Career Key has served higher education for 25 years.
    Visit Website

Become a Sponsor!
Sponsorship commitments must be received prior to March 13, 2023 to ensure all benefits are included. Due to the nature of sponsorships and the benefits received, sponsorship cancellations are not accepted.

Contributor-Level Benefits:

  • Hyperlinked sponsor logo placed high on the conference and workshop websites, the AACSB Exchange, and the "Know Before You Log In" email sent to conference attendees
  • Hyperlinked exhibitor listing on the conference and workshop websites
  • Hyperlinked sponsor logo on the virtual conference platform registration page and welcome page
  • Sponsor recognition on social media and on signage
  • Sponsor recognition during opening remarks
  • Representative from the sponsoring organization may provide a welcome to one virtual conference session


Contributor-Level Benefits:

  • Hyperlinked sponsor logo placed high on the conference and workshop websites, the AACSB Exchange, and the "Know Before You Log In" email sent to conference attendees
  • Hyperlinked exhibitor listing on the conference and workshop websites
  • Hyperlinked sponsor logo on the virtual conference platform registration page and welcome page
  • Sponsor recognition on social media and on signage
  • Sponsor recognition during opening remarks
  • Banner advertisement to display in a conference communication sent to all event attendees
  • 30 second video provided by sponsor to be played during conference and in person workshop


Friend-Level Benefits:

  • Hyperlinked sponsor logo placed high on the conference and workshop websites, the AACSB Exchange, and the "Know Before You Log In" email sent to conference attendees
  • Hyperlinked exhibitor listing on the conference and workshop websites
  • Hyperlinked sponsor logo on the virtual conference platform registration page and welcome page
  • Sponsor recognition on social media and on signage
  • Sponsor recognition during opening remarks


Friend-Level Benefits:

  • Hyperlinked sponsor logo placed on the conference and workshop websites
  • Hyperlinked exhibitor listing on the conference and workshop websites
  • Hyperlinked sponsor logo on the virtual conference platform registration page and welcome page
  • Sponsor recognition during opening remarks and on signage
  • Digital advertisement listed on virtual conference welcome page


Have questions or ready to sponsor?