
Assurance of Learning Seminar II (Americas)

Build skills and network at an interactive event focused on examining innovative approaches to measuring, reporting, and closing the loop in your assessment program.
May 23​ – 25​, 2022

Each day 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET

Data, Decision-Making, and Continuous Improvement

Join a cohort of your peers in virtual or in-person learning facilitated by globally recognized Assurance of Learning experts. Build skills and network at an interactive event focused on examining innovative approaches to measuring, reporting, and closing the loop in your assessment program. Learn how to interpret your collected AoL data to improve student learning through group interactions, breakout sessions, and targeted discussions.

Focusing on the 2020 AACSB Accreditation Standards, the seminar will provide AoL plan and data set examples, explore curriculum and course mapping, and share AACSB accreditation committee and peer review team expectations. Participants will be required to bring their school’s AoL plan, data, and/or visualizations as part of the interactive conversations in this seminar. Discuss and discern the importance of data visualizations to aide stakeholder buy-in and support while telling your school’s story through the lens of its mission.

Learning Objectives

  • Evaluate the maturity level of your current AoL system
  • Implement a robust and sustainable AoL program based on your school’s characteristics
  • Manage and communicate the collected AoL data effectively to continuously improve student learning
  • Develop strategies for your school’s next peer review team visit
  • Understand 2020 standards updates to AoL in regards to terminology, indirect measures, and Table 5.1


Karen Tarnoff, East Tennessee State University

Karen serves the College of Business and Technology at East Tennessee State University as the Associate Dean for Assessment and International Programs where she coordinates the assessment process across seven diverse departments (i.e., Accountancy; Economics and Finance; Management and Marketing; Computing; Military Science; Engineering, Engineering Technology, Surveying; and Digital Media) and multiple accrediting bodies (i.e., SACS, AACSB, ABET, NASAD, CIDA).  She has given numerous assessment presentations and has helped many schools develop, implement, and refine their systems.  Karen is an AACSB seminar facilitator having authored materials for its Assurance of Learning I and II Seminars.

Who Should Attend

Faculty, department chairs, deans, associate, and assistant deans who have a thorough working knowledge of AoL procedures or have a program AoL plan in place with at least one/two cycles of data collected. If you have not attended the Assurance of Learning Seminar I, we strongly recommend that you do so prior to attending the Assurance of Learning Seminar II.

"The seminar is a very comprehensive training on AoL and the facilitators are very knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. I recommend this seminar to anyone interested in having a good understanding of AoL"
—2021 March Assurance of Learning Seminar II Attendee
"The seminar was very valuable. I really appreciated the focus on faculty engagement, what to expect with the peer review team, and how you can share your data in a manner that is effective and efficient."
—2020 Assurance of Learning Seminar II Attendee

AoL Knowledge Quiz

Should you attend the Assurance of Learning Seminar I or the Assurance of Learning Seminar II? Think of the two seminars as level one and level two respectively. Test your knowledge with the AoL Background Knowledge Test. Register for Assurance of Learning Seminar I

Contact Us

For more information, please contact [email protected].

Pricing (USD)
Member Pricing 1st and 2nd
By May 9
On or after May 10
Member Pricing 3rd and subsequent
By May 9
On or after May 10
Non-Member Pricing
By May 9
On or after May 10