
Middle East Conference (In-Person)

Register today! Space is limited due to health and safety measures. This conference will take place at the University of Bahrain, Sakhir Campus, Kingdom of Bahrain.
March 2​ – 3​, 2022
Awali, Bahrain

Middle East Diversity and Inclusion Regional Forum

The Middle East D&I Regional Forum will extend conversations from the December Global Diversity and Inclusion Conference and provide a space for sharing and gaining insights on initiatives, best practices, and experiences specific to the Middle East region. Included in your Middle East Conference registration. 

This forum will take place at the University of Bahrain

Welcome and Opening Session: Diversity in the Classroom
2:00 –  3:00 p.m.
This session will discuss efforts to promote inclusivity as it relates to teaching, learning and evaluation processes. Presenters will share examples of how schools are supporting faculty to develop inclusive curriculum and strategies for empowering students to uncover their purpose and be their own agent of change.


  • Assaad Farah, Dean of the School of Business, American University in Dubai
  • Nihel Chabrak, Expert in the Future of Education

3:00 – 3:15 p.m. 

Breakout Discussion
3:15 – 4:00 p.m.
Breakout Discussion will explore the responses received from participants in the pre-event survey. We will expand on responses to discuss shared challenges, top priorities, and what we wish others could better understand.

  • Ihsan Zakri, Regional Head, Middle East and Africa | AACSB International
  • Tim MesconExecutive Vice President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East and Africa | AACSB International

Closing Comments and Commitment to Action Items
4:00 – 4:10 p.m.

  • Ihsan Zakri, Regional Head, Middle East and Africa | AACSB International
  • Tim Mescon, Executive Vice President and Chief Officer for Europe, the Middle East and Africa | AACSB International