
Teaching with Business Simulation Games

Efficiently integrate business simulation games into your teaching.
March 7​ – 25​, 2022
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Tim_RogmansTim Rogmans is Associate Professor of Strategic Management at the College of Business at Zayed University in Dubai (United Arab Emirates). His research interests include Business Simulation Games (BSG), Foreign Direct Investment and sustainability performance measurement. His research on teaching & learning has been published in Simulation & Gaming, Academy of Management Learning & Education, the Journal of Economics Teaching, and Teaching Business & Economics. He has trained faculty and presented at numerous international conferences on the topic of teaching with BSG. He is the author of two award winning business simulation games, including the Macroeconomics simulation: Econland which is published by Harvard Business Publishing Education. Prior to working in academia, Tim worked in strategy consulting and in the insurance industry in the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands. He holds a Bachelors degree in Economics from the London School of Economics, a MBA from INSEAD and a PhD from Nyenrode University.