
Teaching with Business Simulation Games

Efficiently integrate business simulation games into your teaching.
March 7​ – 25​, 2022
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Teaching with Business Simulation Games Agenda

Unlike a seminar that is primarily synchronous and has defined times and schedules, this is an online course that is primarily asynchronous with approximately 4 hours of studying and exercise per week. Course content will be via AACSB’s learning platform and participants can engage whenever it is most convenient for them.

There will also be a live synchronous session each week that will last approximately 60-90 minutes each during which the facilitator will summarize the week’s topics and engage the cohort in discussion about those topics. These live synchronous sessions are the only fixed agenda items. Recordings of live sessions will be available.

Module 1: Planning to Use Business Simulation Games

  • Evaluating benefits and concerns of using Business Simulation Games (BSG)
  • Identifying and evaluating BSG for your course

In this Module, you will explore the benefits and concerns associated with teaching with Business Simulation Games. Based on an understanding of how BSG can benefit one or several courses that you teach, you will be guided through the identification and evaluation of at least one BSG that can potentially benefit your class. There will be one 60-minute synchronous session to assist and guide you in your evaluation, taking place Wednesday, March 9, 10:00 a.m. ET | 4:00 p.m. CET. There is one assignment in which you identify and evaluate a BSG for your course.

Module 2: Using Business Simulation Games in Teaching

  • Planning your class
  • Brief-Play-Debrief
  • Play the simulation game, "Sustainability Management Simulation: Net Zero". Course participants will be provided with login details and passwords during the session.

Once you have selected a BSG to use in your course, it is time to prepare your class and to implement the Brief-Play-Debrief cycle with your students. This module will take you through these stages step-by-step and will support you with the preparation of your own teaching with BSG. There will be one 90-minute synchronous session to assist you in your preparation and during which course participants will experience playing a BSG as a student, taking place Wednesday, March 16, 10:00 a.m. ET | 3:00 p.m. CET. There is one assignment in which you will plan a class session that uses a BSG.

Module 3: Evaluating Effectiveness and Integrating Business Simulation Games in Your Course

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of teaching with BSG
  • Use of BSG in different settings
  • Developing your own BSG

Successful teaching with BSG requires continuous evaluation and improvement. This module discusses some straightforward ways to evaluate the use of BSG that go beyond just anecdotal feedback. In the context of developments in the way business education is delivered, there is also a discussion of how to integrate BSG in online education. Experienced instructors will provide you with their personal recommendations for effective use of BSG. There will be one 60-minute synchronous session taking place Wednesday, March 23, 10:00 a.m. ET | 3:00 p.m. CET.