The Eligibility Review Committee (ERC) oversees the acceptance of eligibility applications. The ERC also supports schools in revising their application when a “revise and resubmit” decision is made by the ERC. Once accepted by the committee, the school moves to the initial accreditation phase, and the IAC would assume responsibility for guiding the school through the remainder of the initial accreditation process. The ultimate responsibility of the committee is to ensure consistency and equity across application decisions.
The ERC consists of up to 15 members.
Committee member assignments reflect the composition of the Accreditation Council and consider geographical area, type of institution, and experience with accreditation. Committee members are appointed by the Vice Chair-Chair Elect (who shall preside as Board Chair during the year for which the appointments are made).
The ERC Chair and Vice Chair are business school administrators from AACSB-accredited organizations. Normally, committee members serve staggered three-year terms, up to a maximum of two terms. Normally, the ERC chair and vice chair serve two consecutive one-year terms, and must be reappointed to these roles on an annual basis.
Thomas Begley, Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteVice Chair
Barbara Ritter, Jacksonville UniversityERC Members
Jo Cullinane, Massey University
Maling Ebrahimpour, The University of Rhode Island
Melissa Gruys, Cleveland State University
Anapuma Gupta, SP Jain Institute of Management Research
Hannah Holmes, Manchester Metropolitan University
Anca Micu, Fairfield University
Igor Postula, University of Warsaw
Rana Sobh, Qatar University
Xiaoguang Wang, School of Business Administration, Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance
Qiumei (Jane) Xu, Northeastern Illinois University
Staff Liaison
Marine Condette ([email protected])