
Continuous Improvement Review Seminar (Americas)

Learn how to undergo a successful continuous improvement review visit through group interactions, breakout sessions, and targeted discussions.
November 7​ – 8​
Event Type
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Continuous Improvement Review Seminar (Americas)
Register for Seminar
  • Introductions and Objectives
  • Accreditation Standards Overview
  • CIR Philosophies and Process
  • CIR Report Section 1 - Executive Summary
  • CIR Report Section 2 - Overview
  • CIR Report - Section 3 Standards Area 1: Strategic Management and Innovation (Focused Mission and Financial Resources)
  • Summary of Lesson One
  • Review of Lesson One
  • CIR Report Section 3 - Standards Area 1: Strategic Management and Innovation (Faculty Resources)
  • CIR Report Section 3 - Standards Area 2: Learner Success
  • CIR Report Section 3 - Standards Area 3: Thought Leadership, Engagement, Societal Impact
  • CIR Visit
  • Summary of Lesson Two